1r-1. Rinij naa Beni gichij Fran.co ximenes venij hualachi tuarenij
Ri-nij naa Beni-gichij Fran.co ximenes venij hualachi tuarenij
HAB-say 1s.fp person-sick Francisco Ximenes person native here
Say I, Francisco Jimenez, the sick person, native here
1r-2. logeche san matheo quia huixij tao sica benij nalij christiano
lo geche san matheo quia.huixij.tao sica benij nalij christiano
face/to town San Matheo Macuilxochitl thus person true christiano
to the town of San Mateo Macuilxochtil as a true christian
1r-3. nina caya nia este ni coro baya nisalaya exteni Dios
ni n=aca=ya niaesteni co-roba=ya nisa laya exteni Dios[=ne
REL STA=exist/be=1s because PERF-pour=1s water sacred of Dios[=with
which I am because I was baptized with the sacred water of God
1r-4. ne huarelijlachia ni nacanij misterio extenij sanssima
hua-r-elijlachi=a ni n-aca=nij misterio extenij sanssima
PERF-HAB-believe=1s REL NEUT-be=3 misterio of santissima
I believe in that which is the mystery of the most holy
1r-5. trinidad ni nacanij Dios vixoçe Dios xinij Dios espiritu
trinidad ni n-aca=nij Dios vixoçe Dios xinij Dios espiritu
trinidad REL NEUT-be=3 Dios father Dios POSS.child God Spirit
trinity that is God the father, God the child, God the holy spirit
1r-6. Santo Chona personas to visica Dios nali bitoo chela hu
Santo Chona personas tovi=si=ca Dios nali bitoo chela hu-[r-elilachi=a
Santo three persons one=only=EMPH Dios true god and PERF-HAB-believe=1s
three persons, really only one God, and I believe
1r-7. relilachia quita pasula yaa extenij coqui xona xij S.ta
qui-tapa su layaa extenij coqui xonaxij S.ta
IRR-four their? prayer of noble lady Santa
in the four ? prayers of our noble Lady Santa
1r-8. maria chela hua relij la chia quij chij taa xibaanila harli
maria chela hua-r-elijlachi=a quij-chijtaa xibaa ni lah arti[colo
Maria and PERF-HAB-believe=1s IRR-fourteen section REL be.named article
Maria and I believe in the fourteen articles which are named Articles
1r-9. Colodelafee extenij xiniana santa yglecia
De la fee extenij xi-nia=na santa yglecia
de la fe of POSS-mother=1pl santa iglesia
of the Faith of our mother the holy church
1r-10. chela rinia tapa Domines le ça ca layoo laaya rua qui gachy
chela ri-ni=a tapa Domines leçaca layoo laaya rua qui-gachy
and HAB-say=1s four tomines cost land sacred where IRR-be.buried
And I say four tomines for the cost of the sacred land where
1r-11. belaa latia renia chana — 4r
belaa-lati=a re-ni=a chana — 4r
flesh-body=1s HAB-say=1s Sir/Lady
my body will be buried, say I Sir/Lady
1r-12. tio pa Domines gona beco goo extenij xunaxij —-- 2r
tiopa Domines gona becogoo extenij xunaxij
two tomines offering altar of lady
Two tomines offering for the altar of the lady
1r-13. tio pa domines gona becogoo xteni Bexuhuano en
tiopa domines gona becogoo xteni Bexuhuano en[tierro
two tomines offering altar of lord entombment
Two tomines offering to the altar of Lord Entombment
1r-14. tierro—- 2r
— 2r
— 2r
1r-15. becogoo exteni San Matheo tiopa domines — 2r
becogoo exteni San Matheo tiopa domines — 2r
altar of San Matheo two tomines — 2r
to the altar of San Matheo, two tomines — 2r
1r-16. ninaca yoolichiya rosanaya Domingo ximenes xinijyaa
ni n-aca yoo-lichi=ya r-o-sana=ya Domingo ximenes xinij=yaa
REL NEUT-be house-POSS.house=1s HAB-CAUS-leave=1s Domingo Ximenes child=1s
That which is my house, I leave to Domingo Jimenez, my child
1r-17. nesular = huane layoo ginia nina ruaestacia quecaa
ne sular = huane layoo ginia ni n-a rua estacia qu-ecaa
with house.plot and land sowed.land REL NEUT-be.lying mouth hacienda IRR-take
with the house plot. And the sowed land that is (lying) at the edge of the hacienda,
1r-18. Domingo garola sega rola queca Manuel layoo na chaga bisa
Domingo garola se-garola que-ca Manuel layoo na-chaga bisa
Domingo half DEF-half IRR-take Manuel land NEUT-meet border.marker
Domingo will take half and Manuel will take the other half where the land meets the border
1r-19. quetao christobal ximenes nesa xilianij gobicha nachaga
quetao Christobal Ximenes nesa xi-lianij gobicha na-chaga
deceased Christobal Ximenes road HAB-emerge sun NEUT-meet
of the deceased Christobal Ximenes towards the east, meets
1r-20. bisaa Mithias de Morales nesa sucahui nachaga bisa Pe.o desar
bisaa Mithias de Morales nesa sucahui na-chaga bisa Pedro de sar[te
border.marker Mithias de Morales road east NEUT-meet border.marker Pedo de Sarrate
the border of Mithias de Morales towards the east, meets the border of Pedro de Sarrate
1r-21. te nesa suchij nachaga bisa Phelipe torres nesaa sutiula
nesa suchij na-chaga bisa Phelipe Torres nesaa sutiula
road west NEUT-meet border.marker Felipe Torres road north
towards the west, meets the border of Felipe Torres towards the north.
1r-22. setobi cue layoo nina rua nesa risaa benij bacaa nacha
se-tobi cue-layoo ni n-a rua nesa ri-saa benij bacaa na-cha[gaa
DEF-one plot-land REL NEUT-be.lying mouth road HAB-walk person Tlacolula NEUT-meet
Another plot of land that is (lying) at the edge of the road that the Tlacolula people walk on (which) meets
1r-23. gaa bisa Salbador Mendosa nesa xilanij gobichia na chaga
bisa Salbador Mendosa nesa xi-lanij gobichia na-chaga
border.marker Salvador Mendoza road HAB-emerge sun NEUT-meet
the border of Salvador Mendoza towards the East, (which) meets
y linda con- Salvador Mendoza por la Oriente Linda
and borders with- Salvador Mendoza to the East meets
1r-24. bisa Phelipe torres nesa su caui nacha bisa Pasqual Herdans
bisa Phelipe torres nesa sucaui nacha bisa Pasqual Herdan[de]s
border.marker Felipe Torres road South NEUT-meet border.marker Pascual Hernandez
the border of Felipe Torres towards the South (which) meets the border of Pascual Hernandez
1r-25. nesa su chij riana ne Nico Las xinia Layoo renij = hualica bi
nesa suchij ri-ana=ne NicoLas xini-a Layoo renij = hualica bi-[ca
road West HAB-be.left=with Nicolas child=1s land this truly PERF-take
towards the West, this land remains with Nicolas, my child. Truly took
1r-26. ca se tobi CueLayo ni Coxia betoo Dn Domingo pacho Looqui ro
se-tobi cue-layo ni co-xi=a be-too Dn Domingo pacho loo qui-ro[pa
DEF-1 plot-land REL PERF-measure=1s PERF:CAUS-be.sold Don Domingo Pacho face IRR-two
Another plot of land which I measured, Don Domingo Pacho sold to the two
1r-27. pa bechini D.np. heli pe ni nacala yachi ni gapã ni chi vi
bechi=ni D.n phelipe ni n=aca la Yachinigapan ni chi vi
brother=3 Don phelipe REL STA=be name Yachinigapan REL brother (of a male)
brothers of Don Felipe, which is named Yachinigapan, which …
1r-28. chiña ni beteta layo reni chi peso sica nali Cona lao
chini=a ni be-tet=a layo reni chi peso sica nali co-nalao
child=1s REL PERF:CAUS-be.positioned.across=1s land this ten peso thus true PERF-see
my child, which I gave this land for ten pesos, thus
1r-29. testigo bar.me hernandes - layo reni naa cue gego xana
testigo barme hernandes layo reni n-aa cue gego xana
witness Bartolome Hernandez land this NEUT-be.lying side river buttocks
the witness Bartolome Hernandez truly saw (it). This land is (lying) on the side of the river at the base
1r-30 tani quie hui xij rianane pas qualga rola seoaxola rianan
tani quie.huixij ri-ana=ne pasqual garola se-garola ri-ana=n[e]
mountain Macuilxochitl HAB-be.left=with Pasqual half DEF-half HAB-be.left=with
of the mountain Macuilxochitl, Pascual is left with half, (and) Salvador is left with the other half.
Anderson, Isabelle R. Maya Antonio, Jacob Chan, Tshering Yangzom Dorji, Pablo Famodou, Savidya Hettiarachchi, Lillian Leibovich, Ayanna Madison, Lina Marsella, Lisette Pham, Michaela Richter, Emma Y. Schechter, Morgan Stevens, and Brook Danielle Lillehaugen. 2022. “The Zapotec-language last will and testament of Fransisco Jimenez, 1733 San Matheo Macuilxocitl, Oaxaca: an interlinear analysis and translation.” Haverford: The Ticha Project (https://ticha.haverford.edu/en/text/ma733/).