Mentioned Persons

Name Info Document
Pedro Martin He was mentioned in the testament of Ignacio de San Miguel from 1694 and was recorded as being the mayor of San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya at this time. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1694 Martin
Geronimo de San Miguel He was mentioned in the testament of his father, Ignacio de San Miguel. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1694 de San Miguel
Ignacio de San Miguel He was a testator in San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya in 1694 and a father to Geronimo de San Miguel. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1694 de San Miguel
Thomas San Miguel He was mentioned in the testament of Ignacio de San Miguel from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya in 1694. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1694 San Miguel
Don Josephe Mariano de Llano He was mentioned in the testament of Ignacio San Miguel from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya in the year 1694. He was recorded as being the “Lord Captain of the Army” in this testament. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1694 Mariano de Llano
Marcos de los Angeles Lopez He was an interpreter, translator, and scribe of various documents in Oaxaca de Juárez, San Pedro el Alto, and San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya. His name was recorded in a bill of sale and three testaments in the years 1694, 1740, 1764, and 1776. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1694 de los Angeles Lopez
Marcial Garcia He was mentioned in the testament of Ignacio de San Miguel from 1694 and was recorded as being the “named scribe” of this document. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1694 Garcia
Juan de los Angeles He was mentioned in the testament of Ignacio de San Miguel from 1694 in San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1694 de los Angeles
Geronimo Mendes He was mentioned in the testament of Ignacio de San Miguel from 1694 in San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya and was deceased at the time it was written. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1694 Mendes
Manuel de San Miguel He was mentioned in the testament of Ignacio de San Miguel from 1694 in San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya and was the brother of Ignacio de San Miguel. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1694 de San Miguel
Mathias de San Miguel He was mentioned in the testament of Ignacio de San Miguel from 1694 in San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya and was the brother of Ignacio de San Miguel. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1694 de San Miguel
Josephe de Andrada He was mentioned in the testament of Ignacio de San Miguel from 1694 in San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya. He also signed this testament. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1694 de Andrada
Nicolas de Mendosa He was mentioned in the testament of Sebastiana de Mendosa and was her grandson. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 de Mendosa
Ignacio Santiago He was mentioned in the testament of Sebastiana de Mendosa. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 Santiago
Geronima (de Mendosa) She was mentioned in the testament of Sebastiana de Mendosa and was her daughter. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 de Mendosa
Thomas Martin He was mentioned in the testament of Sebastiana de Mendosa and was her son-in-law. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 Martin
Lucas Luiz He was mentioned in the testament of Sebastiana de Mendosa and was her son-in-law. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 Luiz
Reymundo de la Cruz He was mentioned in the testament of San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1732. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 de la Cruz
Lorenza (de Mendosa) Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 de Mendosa
Sebastiana de Mendosa She was a testator in SJT in 1675. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 de Mendosa
Bartholome de los Angeles He was mentioned in the testament of Sebastiana de Mendosa. He was left 12 reales in this testament. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 de los Angeles
Pedro Nolasco He was mentioned in the testament of Sebastiana de Mendosa and was left 12 reales. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 Nolasco
Salbador de Mendosa He was mentioned in the testament of Sebastiana de Mendosa and was left 1 peso. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 de Mendosa
Pedro Mendes He was mentioned in the testament of Sebastiana de Mendoza, given 12 reales and 6 pesos. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 Mendes
Lorenzo Garcia He was mentioned in the testament of Sebastiana de Mendoza and was given 8 pesos. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 Garcia
Fran de Aguillar He was mentioned in the testament of Sebastiana de Mendoza and was given 3 pesos. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 de Aguillar
Geronimo Peres He was mentioned in the testament of Sebastiana de Mendoza and was given 3 pesos. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 Peres
Frano Luis He was the witness to the testament of Sebastiana de Mendosa and alderman of San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya in 1675. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 Luis
Salbador Nunes He was the witness to the testament of Sebastiana de Mendosa and alderman of San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya in 1675. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 Nunes
Lucas Peres He was mentioned in the testament of Sebastiana de Mendosa. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 Peres
Marcial Garcia He was the scribe of the testament of Sebastiana de Mendosa. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 Garcia
Fray Joseph de Robles He was mentioned in the testament of Sebastiana de Mendoza and given 3 pesos. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 de Robles
Fray Diego Franco He was mentioned in the testament of Sebastiana de Mendoza and given 3 pesos. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 Franco
Juan de Angeles Toledo He was the interpreter for the testament of Sebastiana de Mendoza. Translation of Testament from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 de Angeles Toledo
Pedro Andres He was the Principal of San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya in 1675 and sold land to Gregorio de Mendosa. Translation of Bill of Sale from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 Andres
Gregorio de Mendosa He bought land from Pedro Andres for four pesos in San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya in 1675. Translation of Bill of Sale from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 de Mendosa
Mathias (Andres) Mentioned in the bill of sale from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya and was the father of Pedro Andres. Translation of Bill of Sale from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 Andres
Geronimo Ramires Mentioned in the bill of sale from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya in 1675. Translation of Bill of Sale from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 Ramires
Petronila de Aquino She was mentioned in the bill of sale from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya and was the legitimate grandmother of Pedro Andres. Translation of Bill of Sale from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 de Aquino
Domingo Garcia Witness to the bill of sale in San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya in 1675. Translation of Bill of Sale from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 Garcia
Juan Garcia Witness to the bill of sale in San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya in 1675. Translation of Bill of Sale from San Jerónimo Tlacochahuaya, 1675 Garcia